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Romance in the workplace. No one ever really plans it. But what begins as innocently as flirtatious small talk can sometimes lead to sharing a lunch and then, you know the rest. Before you get romantically involved, check your company’s policies regarding inter office dating. According to the Society of Human Resource Management, these policies help to minimize the risks of conflicts of interest and promote fairness. Although many companies do not discourage romantic relationships, some do require disclosure once your relationship takes hold.
If you are already locking eyes with someone at work, make sure you follow these 7 guidelines to keep your office romance in check:
1. Be discreet
Involved in a romance, then make sure you refrain from public displays of affection. Not only does it make your other colleagues uncomfortable seeing you kissing or cuddle at work, it also opens you up to gossip. This rule applies to after work drinks, office parties, and other work functions.
2. Do Not Share Intimate Details
People love good gossip. If you choose to share details with co-workers, be prepared for the rumor mill to begin. Not everyone will approve of your decisions to date a co-worker and they will make their opinions known. Avoid bad labels by keeping your personal life close to the vest.
3. Set Boundaries
Before you are in too deep, make sure to discuss how each of you will conduct yourselves at work. Setting boundaries will help you maintain professionalism and prevent your romance from affecting your responsibilities.
4. Stay on Task
Your work product should not change just because you are dating someone at work. Stay on task and act as you did before your romance began.

5. Keep Emails Work Related
Exchanging loving messages through a work email can only lead to trouble. Most companies have access to read your emails so keep it professional.
6. Always Behave Professionally
Whether during work hours or at an office social, make certain that your lovers’ tiff stays outside of the workplace. You may still work alongside each other if your relationship ends, so make sure all exchanges remain professional.
7. Never date your boss
Dating your boss almost never ends well. It also makes every one of your work relationships more complicated. Every raise or promotion you receive will not be suspect because of your romantic relationship. The same caution goes for dating someone who directly reports to you. If things go wrong, you may open yourself up to trouble including a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Remember when you are involved in an office romance, you will see each other daily so things can get intense very quickly. Before getting caught up in a whirlwind romance, think about the consequences of your relationship. When an office romance works it is usually because it remains outside of the workplace.

Unsure about how to proceed, call Strategic Recruitment Solutions. We want to be your resource whenever you have a work-related question. Give us a call and we will be glad to go over these 7 guidelines and help you keep your office romance out of the office.