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Our dependence on technology has made big changes in the legal industry. Whether an increase in automated tasks, the growing field of artificial intelligence, or the need for better cybersecurity, we expect these tech trends to affect legal firms’ workflow and reputation moving forward. For example, a shift toward higher “tech literacy” will send signals to your clients and potential clients about who can best serve their needs.
Stay current with technology by watching these tech trends:
Automated Tasks
Since lawyers will always be around, documents are here to stay. In fact, that’s how automation began to take over in the law business. Also, it’s created more jobs with eFiling, eDiscovery, and more. In 2017, researchers from the Mckinsey Global Institute stated that 23 percent of lawyers’ tasks could be automated.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that assists a user to send emails, automate logins, prepare documents, and copy data from document scans. Those that support RPA technology claim that firms can save somewhere between 30-40% of their time with automation. Because of the time saved, use of RPA in the legal sector is expected to rise in the coming years.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
More than half of all legal work done in-house is repetitive and easily repeated by a program. Allowing artificial intelligence to manage data and perform document analysis is the way of the future. It’s cost-effective in lowering the number of human mistakes and time dedicated to those tasks. As standard data storage increases, AI programs will index file volumes and streamline data management. Plan for an increase in your firm’s need for Tech-savvy employees who know how to work with AI to your advantage.
The amount of information that moves through an office network has reached critical mass. Since firms handle sensitive client and corporate data, there is always the risk of a network breach by profiteers. Attackers can pull off ransomware attacks with few resources. Due to this threat, it’s no surprise that network security, response plans, and crisis management have seen renewed attention.
By providing dedicated resources to privacy and data protection, the firm protects clients’ rights. Also, a firm that cherishes privacy boosts its reputation. Make sure to include IT professionals in your personnel plan that know how to keep your legal software up to date. Even if you hire out cybersecurity, you will still need employees able to communicate with your cybersecurity company to keep your firm running seamlessly.
At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, your success is our success. Our reputation for client satisfaction results from our commitment to clients’ objectives and beyond. We are the legal and tech recruiting firm for top employers in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the Gulf Region. Our focus is on building a long-term relationship with companies that employ the highest-quality professionals. Call us today at 888-366-6508. We can help you find the best fit to join a legal or IT team.